Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Almost Scary Accurate

Benny was surfing the Internet this morning, and came across a cartoon that was made back in the 1940s.It may be a little long to watch, but first of all its a cartoon so the ten minutes that it runs flies by. Benny was very concerned about the way this 1940 cartoon is Almost Scary Accurate, about the way or society is headed. Benny has watched this video a couple of times, and how can a cartoonist back in the 1940s even perdict the way or Nation is being run. Kind of makes you say HUMM!!
   Well watch this lengthy video about our society and let me know what you think about it. If you think that its Almost Scary Accurate,please pass it on to the next person and remember the ones that can fix it is you. So just like paying forward Im passing this on to the next person if people wake up and smell the roses We The People can get this done.

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