Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Almost Scary Accurate

Benny was surfing the Internet this morning, and came across a cartoon that was made back in the 1940s.It may be a little long to watch, but first of all its a cartoon so the ten minutes that it runs flies by. Benny was very concerned about the way this 1940 cartoon is Almost Scary Accurate, about the way or society is headed. Benny has watched this video a couple of times, and how can a cartoonist back in the 1940s even perdict the way or Nation is being run. Kind of makes you say HUMM!!
   Well watch this lengthy video about our society and let me know what you think about it. If you think that its Almost Scary Accurate,please pass it on to the next person and remember the ones that can fix it is you. So just like paying forward Im passing this on to the next person if people wake up and smell the roses We The People can get this done.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Michael Jacksons Ghost

 Benny loves Michael Jackson,and all his music he pretty much grew up listening to him. So when Michael died unexpected, Benny was heart broken, he was an artist that died before his time. Sure he was a little weird but everyone wanted some of his money so they made up shit to sue him, like molesting little boys. Nobody knows for sure if he was guilty or not but i'm sure that the people was paid very well from him.. 
  Well the other day on Larry King live there had been reports of his ghost still lived in Wonderland, so as they are doing the live report something walks in front of the door down the hall. You have to look very close because the sound is very low. Benny tried to alter it and make it better but it was a no go. Anyway here is the video clip of Michael Jacksons ghost.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Gnome Sighting??

Benny was searching for family members on Youtube when he came across this fascinating video.  Upon closer inspection, he noticed that this particular gnome was his older brother, Chet.  Chet has a reputation for being....shall we say, a "peeping gnome."  Benny thought that Chet's stint in rehab cured him of this particular fetish, but apparently this addiction is difficult to overcome.  If you hear a rustling in the bushes and rush out to find Chet peeping in your window, please be kind and let him know that his brother Benny is looking for him.  Don't try to catch him, because he has been known to attack.  It's a little-known fact that gnomes have very sharp teeth.  Look for a special edition of "Gnomes Gone Wild" on GBS (Gnome Broadcasting Station)...coming soon!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Beach Bound

 This past weekend Benny and the family took a trip to Huguenot Park, yes the beach. Benny really loves going to the beach. In the picture you can see Benny buried up to his neck in sand, he thought that it would be fun to be buried until he dug himself out and he had sand in places sand should not be. So in order to wash off the sand, he decided to go boogie boarding. He loved catching waves, until he wiped out , and he drank half the ocean away, Benny isn't having a very good day at the beach so far. But he is bound and determined to make it a good trip. So he asked me if he can go play on the rocks of the jetties, of coarse you can Benny, so while he was climbing on the rocks we took a picture of him at the top, I asked him" if he felt better" and he told me" he was at the top of the world",(well hes small so it probably felt that way to him). So after climbing the rocks he was tired so he wanted to sit down and try to get a tan, and you can see him sitting in the chair basking in the hot Florida sun. Benny sat in the chair and was watching the people go by and was really looking for a girlfriend but no nice girls this weekend. "Keep your head up Benny shes out there and you'll find her someday". Well it was getting late so we decided to call it a day so we packed up,"wheres Benny?" asked momma, we was worried we didn't know where he was, we looked out in the water ,over at the rocks,we couldn't find him.Until sissy said "I found him", so we ran over to the car and found him sleeping in his seat with his seat belt on so we took a picture of him sleeping.. After the long day at the beach we finally went to the house to take a shower. Tune in next week for the exciting adventures of Benny...............

Monday, July 18, 2011


The day started out like any other day. My family woke up from a long Friday night to a great breakfast. "So," I asked the kids, "where would you like to go today?" "Dad," they said, "we would like to go to St. Augustine." We packed up the SUV and away we went. We first caught the ferry from Heckscher Drive to A1A (left).  Benny enjoyed the ride and even saw some porpoises in the water.  We finally got to St. Augustine, where we caught Benny defacing public property (second pic on left).  After a very serious discussion, he promised NEVER to do such a thing again (I think he has a naughty side to him).  We took him to a small church, so he could repent.  If you look closely, you can even see the Virgin Mary in the picture.

Friday, July 15, 2011

In the beginning

It all started with the movie "Gnomeo and Juliet". That's where we found the name for are gnome "Benny" , Benny likes to go every where with us. Lets see hes been to the beach caught some killer waves,hes been buried up to his neck in the sand. He love the oldest city in the nation St. Augustine Florida. he has seen the huge cross there and we found him in the underground part of St. Augustine and captured some great photos of him breaking the law(don't tell any one). Benny is currently looking for a woman to go on his adventures with, maybe he might settle down one day and have kids.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where is Benny at??

This weekend Benny is travling to the oldest city in the nation, that right folks St. Augustine Florida. Benny is my gnome who we take everywhere we go. We like to take pictures of him in differant spots, I all ready have some great pictures of him. I will put some pictures up as soon as I get them from St. Augustine .